Whitney Court Herefordshire
Whitney Court, designed by T H Watson, was built between 1898 and 1902. It was a joint enterprise by two remarkable women, Lady Mary Nugent and Eliza Coats, youngest daughter of the co-founder of the cotton thread company J & P Coats, which in Edwardian times was the third largest company in the world. The house was constructed regardless of cost on a spectacular site above the River Wye.
The consultancy has been responsible for various improvements to the Court over several years, including the revision of bathrooms and the restoration of the main kitchen. Recently the entire house was rewired, and original electrical fittings were refurbished and retained. At the same time alterations were carried out in order to meet current fire regulations. A new alarm system was installed together with the large bespoke glazed fire doors, and newly-formed escape routes ensure compliance with statutory requirements. All this work had to be done with the utmost care in order to avoid compromising the historic details and fabric.
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